Diversity isn't a problem. Sarcasm.
12:37Fun fact:
Every person up for an acting nomination at the Oscars this year is white.
I would just like to personally say that I disagree with the critics - diversity in America is at an all time high!
For about a day, everyone was talking about Idris Elba being Bond. Amazing.
Everyone seems to luuurrveee Lupita N'yongo, so that goes to show that at least some of Hollywood think a dark skinned girl is beautiful. Fantastic!
And wait! The BIG ONE - Steve blooming McQueen was one of the winners of last year's Best Picture award '12 Years A Slave'. You know how the Academy laps that sort of stuff up. You know, tapping into white guilt gets a whole bunch of awards sometimes - but be warned, this only works once every few years.
Lack of diversity where?
Whoo, now that I've ejected some much needed sarcasm out of my system, I can continue.
You may be thinking, 'zaaam Grace! ('Zaam is my new word) that's a bit harsh, 'white guilt'?! Zaaam!'
Well tough nuts. I am SO over this whole friggin situation.
Let me refer to Best Picture nominee 'Selma', which according to the Academy, never had a director because my babes Ava DuVernay never recieved a Best director nod.
Take David Oyelowo and Chadwick Boseman. Both gave critically acclaimed performances in 2014 and were conviniently left out.
I mean, every friggin year, I dislike the Academy more and more. And Hollywood. Just the whole friggen system man.
My A Level English Lit teacher left me with some words about the Academy and how he doesn't really believe it's about talent but more so popularity and I was just like zaaam, that's true Sir.
Yeah, this was a rant.
And it's a rant that I'll continue to be on for the foreseeable future.
I guess we've made progress since the last 50 years or so (*barely voice* barely) but just once, I'd like to see my people and other people of colour being widely celebrated for our excellence and not just being cast off to the side.
Now don't take this as me meaning that the same white people that we constantly see are not good at what they do because the vast majority of them are great. But it's a smack in the face to say that all of the same white people we've been seeing were the best that we've seen in the past year.
Because that's a damn lie.
You're tired of hearing it, I'm tired of living it.
*congrats to Uzo Aduba, Gina Rodrequiez, Viola Davis and all the other great men and women of colour being celebrated for your work.
** super shalla to Ardelle for the blog layout