Unpopular Opinion
06:33I own many of these things.
Sometimes I change my opinion, for example, as a pre-teen/tween, for the life of me I just could not understand when girls substituted jeans for leggings. Now I can't believe I went so long without doing the same thing.
However, sometimes my opinion does not change, but never say never right?
Here are a few of my filmic unpopular opinions:
1. The Godfather franchise
As a film student I felt more than obliged to watch 'The Godfather', so I did.
And what a drag.
Guys, I literally pulled myself through ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE minutes of crime and why?!
Just so I could quote 'you don't even call me Godfather. You come into my house, on the day of my daughter's wedding and ask me to murder for money'
For some reason unknown to man, I also watched the second film and boy, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. It didn't get any better.
I just Wikipedia'd the rest of the franchise so I didn't have to sit through another twenty hours of movie.
Although I will admit that I made a BIG mistake in re-watching 'Grease 2' because my love for it did dramatically decrease.
But I shall write as though that never happened.
'Grease 2' had songs that taught, see 'Reproduction', a song that actually possessed a message instead of innuendoes that children unknowingly sing along to (see 'Grease Lightning').
'Grease' ties with Hitchcock's 'North by Northwest' in my opinion of the worst endings ever. My gosh, 'Grease', you were a 'real life' film and then decided to fly (?!) off in a car.
Get out and take Herbie with you.
3. Frozen - let it melt
This frickin' film.
*heaviest sigh of my life so far*
What is the appeal? As in seriously - why do so many people love this film and what do they love about it?
It's not groundbreaking, it's generic and basic.
Seconds (as in two) into the opening song, I paused the film then went on with my day.
When I returned to my phone and realised that it was still there I thought I'd give it another try because, Disney.
For starters, the parents have to be one of the worst Disney have created - separating your close daughters from each other and erasing one of their memories seems a tad harsh for people that are supposedly not villains.

Anna is... tolerable. She's alright, just didn't need to fall in love with the first guy her thirsty self laid eyes on.
AND ANOTHER THING, Elsa and Anna (and pretty much every other female character from Disney) are the same people.
The one good thing that came from this film was Olaf.
'Let it Go' is also a pretty okay song to belt out your lungs to I guess.
Let me know what you guys think
stay tuned for more unpopular opinions!!