captain america
civil war
the avengers
Civil War
04:04so badass |
I voted on Twitter that I was on #TeamCap but after a mission gone wrong in my motherland of Lagos, Nigeria where they butchered a whole heap of my innocent people whilst trying to stop Brock Rumlow from stealing a biological weapon, I seriously considered whether or not I was on the right side.
And to make matters even worse, not a single soul in the whole of Captain America: Civil War could not pronounce 'Lagos' correctly. Jokes aside, that's so poor. They kept saying 'lah-goss' and you could hear the confused murmurs from the audience.
ANYWAY, if you're like me then you've wondered 'yeah fair enough that you guys are saving the world and that, but in the process you've literally caused more damage to your surroundings by blowing up buildings, crashing cars, making gaping holes in the earth and severely injuring and killing innocent bystanders, leaving their loved ones devastated?'
This thought always slightly annoyed me but Civil War addresses this issues and produces the receipts for the Avengers - Steve Rogers/Captain America, Tony Stark/Iron Man, James Rhodes, Falcon/Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow and Vision - and lets them know that in they've been doing more harm than good and as a result, the government has stepped in to regulate them.
This time, if the Avengers want to get together and save the world, they need to do it in accordance with the Sokovia Accords, drafted by the United Nations, which will also serve to keep an eye on the growing 'enhanced human' population.
This decision divides the Avengers, thus creating the titular civil war.
Tony thinks that signing the Accords is a good idea - he takes responsibility for the lives that he has inadvertently ruined. Rhodes, Natasha (although she still bears a strong alliance with Steve), Vision as well as T'Challa/Black Panther (I'll come back to him later) and Spiderman are on his side.
Steve doesn't like the idea of the government ruling the Avengers, with Sam and Wanda, as well as Hawkeye and Ant Man on his side.
Now, if you have some knowledge of Tony and Steve, then you're probably thinking that they've swapped personalities. As I sat in the cinema, I couldn't help but think this as well because Tony doesn't like to be controlled and Steve has a strong sense of duty and doing the right thing.
Like I said before, I was wondering if I was on the right side because even though I knew where Steve was coming from, that definitely wasn't a good enough reason to not sign the Accords and be held accountable for the things he had done.
Also, from the posters you can see that Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier is still in the picture. He's not completely a bad guy which you know if you've watched the previous Captain America, but he's still not back to being Bucky one hundred percent. Steve won't give up on his best friend though and his unrelenting loyalty is very questionable - he doesn't want to accept that Bucky is no longer the same person.
Back to this guy up here.
First of all, look how epic he looks. Hands down, the best costume.
Prince T'Challa is the son of T'Chaka, King of Wakanda, and the Black Panther. He is neutral in the issues surrounding the Avengers, although sometimes he is on Tony's side.
I just love this character so much and so did everyone else in the cinema. When he first appeared in his costume, there was no holding back in expressing how sick he looked.
He is powerful and kind, with a strong set of morals and someone not to be messed with. His appearance in the film does a lot to set up his upcoming standalone films, with the first being released in 2018.
Spiderman is also a refreshing character in Civil War, who is in the early stages of being a superhero and is a massive fan of the Avengers. He is played by Tom Holland who naturally fits the role and brings to it, so much enthusiasm and depth. It also helps that he is actually a teenager so I'm not being forced to look at a grown man playing a character ten years younger than himself. I've never liked the Spiderman movies but I'm willing to take a chance on the future revamped series with Holland as the star.
Even though this is Captain America's film and I was happy with that, I have to signal out the sensational Robert Downey Jr who brings a surprising amount of fragility and depth to his sixth (not including his Incredible Hulk cameo) outing as Iron Man. I know I cry at everything but I seriously did not expect to shed tears at his performance (if I say why, it might be considered a spoiler... maybe not actually, but I'll leave it out anyway). Granted I could have been crying because I was running on little sleep and at a late night viewing but I was definitely moved and emotional.
One thing I expect from Marvel is some kick-ass action and they definitely delivered from the get go with the mission in Lagos to the airport scene and I make that in bold because IT WAS EPIC. Watching the Avengers fight is like watching a broken family but it didn't stop me grinning in anticipation as they all ran to fight each other. For like two days after watching Civil War, I was honestly a superhero in my head and ready to take on any and everyone.
Anthony and Joe Russo have become my favourite directors after seeing this and all the claps go to Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely for a phenomenal script. There is nothing unnecessary in the film, nothing drawn out, everything is as it should be, from the dialogue (Sam is beyond hilarious) to the visuals (there's a scene where Tony is a teenager and I'm still confused as to how the team got it looking so amazing and real).
Civil War is the best film of 2016 so far and definitely the best film Marvel has put out.
Roll on The Avengers Infinity War. I'll be in line.
| I watched the film with my brother and I think he hates watching movies with me because 'I get too into them'. I tried to take a picture with a sick poster for the film and he said 'please no'.
I want to be Shuri in the upcoming Black Panther movies. Let's make it happen guys.
I thank God as always and hope that you are all well!