Thirteen Reasons Why

*exhales deeply* I read a Tumblr post once that said something alog the lines of 'my personality is 30% of the last movie I watched'...

*exhales deeply*

I read a Tumblr post once that said something alog the lines of 'my personality is 30% of the last movie I watched'. 
And I remember beaming at my screen that someone had put this into words and that someone else understood that feeling. 
That post is also applicable to books and I guess other mediums if you can think of some. 

I've had my eye on Jay Asher's 'Thirteen Reasons Why' for a long while now and I finally bought it yesterday. 
The novel sees Hannah Baker tell the thirteen reasons why and the twelve people that played a role in her death, through audiotapes that should be sent around to the people that she mentions within said tapes. 
Clay Jensen, one of two narrators (the other being Hannah), recieves the tapes but doesn't understand why because put simply, he was never an asshole to Hannah. 

As the reader, we go through the motions of understanding why Hannah killed herself and/or why Clay recieves the tapes. Truthfully, through the first half if the book I was angry and annoyed. At Hannah. To be blunt, I thought she was being such an asshole through her audiotapes. Maybe it's just me or the way Asher intended it to be, but I just couldn't connect or feel sorry for her for a portion of the story. 

But that changed as the tapes went on. I could almost hear Hannah's voice (this is the only book I would consider buying in audio) and my heart broke for her as the story went on. I mean, as she was a teenage girl, I found it so easy to imagine her as one of my classmates and just wishing that if that were the case, I could have been a friend to her or something. 
That's how deep the book sucked me in. 

There's a lot of stuff I can't write that I want too because it would just be Spoiler Central but I can say that by the thirteenth tape, I was overwhelmed with emotion but by the actual end of the novel, I could have cried with happiness because it was just so hopeful. 

Asher talks about the message of the story which I love and is so simple and it is basically 'to be mindful of others'.

We might come across our own Hannah Baker if we haven't already and we shouldn't ever be one of her reasons why but simply a good friend to her and if anything, give her thirteen reasons why (or more) she's so great. 

Universal has purchased the film rights and whatnot, with Selena Gomez as Hannah but this was all the way back in 2011 so I don't know wagwarn with all of that anymore. 
Maybe slide it over to me?

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