
So what's all the palava about nineteen? What's it mean? 'What's she on?' Well my darlings, I'll tell you. It is my ...

So what's all the palava about nineteen?

What's it mean?
'What's she on?'

Well my darlings, I'll tell you.

It is my age.
For as of today and lasting only one year, I am nineteen.


The audience waits with baited breath as Grace aka Seun aka Queen takes to the podium. 
She and George Clooney exchange kisses and he hands her an award before taking a step back. 
Both George and the audience await Queen's epic speech. 

*clears throat*

Obviously I would like to thank God. Thank You Father for letting me see a whole nineteen years. Your grace is unwarranted, undeserved but appreciated. 
I know with this year and this age, greatness is due and in turn, thankfulness. 

Shalla to my family. 
My little bro gave me this cheeky card:

But left me a touching message:
Keep striving to be a great director. 

*Cries* so cute. 

Thank you to my friends and well wishers, your prayers and kind words are very much appreciated. I love youse. 

Thank you to my blog readers/viewers. Although silent (though not in views, thank you!) I actually love you lot. 
No joke. 

This post will probably come in parts as I didn't do much today apart from go to church. 
I don't have the best track record when it comes to birthday celebrations so I just kind of gave up because I get really nervous that it won't turn out right. 
But I'm cool now, I just don't put pressure on myself. 

You don't wanna party, don't party. 
Do you. 

*audience goes crazy for Queen's speech, giving her a standing ovation. George Clooney holds himself back from sweeping Queen in his arms. Brad Pitt faints. Meryl Streep cries. Queen smiles, takes a bow and leaves the stage, but not before whispering-

Thank you. 

*sometimes I wonder and laugh to myself about my use of slang. But it's me, it's BANTA, so it works. 
Do you innit. 

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  1. Hope you had a lovely birthday, love this post you go girl!

