Fast 7*

So I watched this film midnight at opening day with the older cool kids from church.  Obviously the cinema was ram packed - one of the girls...

So I watched this film midnight at opening day with the older cool kids from church. 

Obviously the cinema was ram packed - one of the girls from our group almost didn't get a ticket mate. 

Anyway we made it in, took a row and I got ready to scrounge off of people and take their popcorn and drinks. 

Guys they showed some 7 minute clip of visionary George Miller's new Mad Max film. Okay ohmydays it looks amazing in short. I still haven't seen it but hopefully soon and in the cinema because the visuals on that film are like totally off the chain y'all

So I don't know about youse but for me, the Fast and Furious franchise only got live from Fast Five.
Someone tried to me fight me once when I told them that.
Anyway, that's my opinion (fact) and I stand by that. 

Fast Five onwards they dropped the drag racing and blah blah and got crazy stupid out of control don't question it use your willing suspension of disbelief because otherwise your brain will fry. 
Fast 7 is no exception. 

My mate Ore once said that you don't watch Fast and Furious for a deep plot that makes sense - nah g, you watch it for the sick ass action (paraphrasing). 
Anyway point is, Ore is right, she really is but boy let me tell you - Fast 7 really pushed the limits on nonsensical action. 

I sat next to a sceptic cool kid and he was always making funny, sceptical comments but I just shrugged them off. 
But when at like the freakin 2 hour mark and cars were flying through buildings in Abu Dhabi I was literally like 'oh COME ON'. 
At 137 minutes, with more or less non-stop action, Fast 7 gets a bit tedious. You just want to block it out really but yah just can't. 
Normally I wouldn't complain cos it seems dumb - an action movie with too much action? - but yeah, it's possible to have too much of a good thing.

But that's like my one pet peeve of the movie so I thought I'd start with that. 

Positive point number one:
In like the first fifteen minutes, two big big stars face off and let me tell yah, 'twas epic. Certain big star number 1 does a certain signature move on big star number 2 - picking him up by the chest and slamming him through a glass table. 
Simple enough?
Yeah but what came with the move was such a neat camera movement that literally saw me nearly attack the sceptic next to me. (I'm a film student - you can't dangle sweet camera stuff in front of me and not expect me to get at least a little violent). 

Who knows the plot of this film?
It isn't important to be honest, the action makes up for it. 

Positive point number 2:
Every. Action. Scene. Bangs. 
Dumb as they may be, your eyes do not leave the screen.
Fist fights, gun fights, car chases and an EPIC scene where the cars drop from a plane in the sky. 
Yes - cars dropping from the sky with parachutes and landing perfectly. 

Positive point number 3:
A strong cast full of snappy one liners. 
The same cast we've all come to know and love (well I have) still rocking with The Rock and joined by Nathalie Samuel, Kurt Russell and only blooming Jason Statham. Also, Tyrese is still going strong as the comic relief. 

Positive point number 4 and ultimately the best part:
Brian's send off. 
It was so beautiful, literally breath taking. 
When my sister and I realised that it was coming we started getting really emotional: my sister grabbing my arm and making sad noises and me, leaning forward and groaning whilst grabbing my chest. 
Brian was just going to spend time with Mia and his family. He was fine, happy, at peace. 
He and Dom have a final drive together then we follow Brian as he drives off into the sunset. 

I literally became one of those people who clap after movies and I'm not even ashamed because as 'For Paul' flashed up on the white screen, it was truly a beautiful and touching moment. 

*okay so you can also call this film 'Furious 7' same difference. 
**post written during revision session.
See y'all on the other side and thanks for sticking with me xoxo

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  1. Yesssssss Grace! I still haven't watched it but after this, it's on my to-do list, great post!
    -Adama x

    1. ADAMA, thank you guurl! Watch it, it's a lot but it bangs xx
