New Season
14:42No, not Autumn or whatever weather space we are currently in but the season that really matters:
Television season.
September means the return of most of the shows we've been waiting for several ages quite a few months and for me, that means Scream Queens, Empire and How to Get Away With Murder. So let's get started beautiful people.
DISCLAIMER: I will be discussing these episodes/shows as if you have seen them as well so spoiler alert.
Okay, number 1: Scream Queens

Unlike Murphy's other show American Horror Story which is an anthology series (which features the same actors playing different characters across different seasons) these characters are still the same. Cathy Munsch is now the head of the C.U.R.E Institute where Dr Mike murdered a patient (Bill who had a wife Jane) on the Halloween of 1985 (of course) and has recruited doctors, Zayday (now a Med student) and the Chanels (who were exonerated due to a confession from Hester ?!) to join her hospital.
Most of the cast return for this season and newbies include Taylor Lautner as Dr Cassidy Cascade, John Stamos as Dr Brock Holt, James Earl as Chamberlain Jackson and Kirstie Alley as Dr Ingrid Hoffel. Skyler Samuels does not return as Grace but I hope to see a lot more of Chad Radwell and Denise Hemphill (couple or not) this season which unfortunately was not the case this first episode.
This season's Red Devil is the Green Meanie (because he's dressed in the green costume that Dr Mike wore and then put on Bill) who at this point could be anyone:
1. Bill - makes the most sense. He was rudely left for dead
2. Jane - also makes sense, they left her husband for dead and she was preggers
3. The baby - true, but that storyline was played out last year
4.. Dean (Doctor?) Munsch - she's capable of murder but then again, why the heck would she ruin the hospital she's putting so much effort into?
5. Dr Holt - he's dodgy as heck and has a hand transplant
6. Dr Cascade - his body is cold as ice so his heart might be as well, leading him to become the perfect Green Meanie
7. Chanel - sure she loves blood and pretty much hates Chanel #5 but she also would never go through all the work that being a murderer seems to entail
8. Ingrid Hoffel - she's so angry and her name rhymes with awful
9. Chanels #3 & 5 - they're probably capable of murder but also really unbothered. Also number 5 might be dead so
10. Chamberlain Jackson - he's cute and happy which is both a reason for and against him being the killer
11. Zayday - uh uh, not my girl. Plus, she's the most genuine character on the show
12. Miscellaneous - it could be anyone to be honest.
All in all, for a first episode back, it was okay. It lacked the sharp wit and bite that the first season had and I kept waiting for it to get better. Seeing as I thought the college setting was perfect for last year, a hospital seems like let down and a little forced. It's also not that clear why Dean Munsch wants the Chanels back. Of course, I'll still keep watching and I do believe that it'll get better as the season heats up.
Number 2: Empire
I really only tuned in to see who died - Annika or Rhonda - and it was freaking Rhonda. I mean, hasn't Andre gone through enough already, come on.
Luscious is still a grade A douchebag and all-around horrible person, in short - the Lyons are a mess. I see no light for this family.
'Freedom', the song Jamal and new character Nessa (Sierra A. McClain) performed was great but I think that the production of the show is just too messy, storylines don't really seem to flow making it hard to keep track of everything that is going on and the characters are caricatures. As in, the Lyons witnessed the body of one of their family fall from a roof and crash into a car and they barely batted an eyelid.
I'll see if I tune into the rest of the season.
Number 3: How to Get Away With Murder
Ugh, my main show that I've been waiting for...
It was good, it was really was. It was a great set up for the rest of the season and I was gripped, especially the ending ohmygwash who dies man?!
I am terrified that it is Wes, (be still my heart, that would be the end of the show for me boy) and my sister does not agree but my thing is that, who would cause Annalise to sob like that? Granted her heart's not made of stone but it's copper at least, and I think Wes is the only who can sufficiently melt it. My sister suggested Bonnie and to be honest, that could be true as well.
As much as I love the show, there is however, something that is truly bugging me and I will try not to shout in capital letters but how the fresh hell am I the only one questioning last season's finale??! Caleb being the 'killer' of his parents and aunty is unacceptable, and I honestly thought that it was going to be fleshed out.
This is only the first episode though, I hear you say. That is true and I will keep the faith but my gosh, if they don't, then my love will dramatically decrease because then the finale is the biggest cop out. They (like with Hester in Scream Queens) went out of their way to prove it wasn't Caleb and not even in a *spoiler* The Usual Suspects kind of way.
Anyway, that aside, I'm glad the show is real in that it tells us that the Murder kids are failing class because I know I was not the only one who knew those guys could not be passing with flying colours, what with all the murder, secrets and lies.
HGAWM is a game y'all, and they are playing us and I couldn't be happier about it. Shonda Rhimes gives nothing away - shoo, I don't think Frank killed Wes' dad but also, what the heck is going on with Frank man?! I live.
This show has one of the most stellar casts on TV from Queen Viola to Charlie Weber's (Frank) beard.
I will most definitely continue to watch and already know that it will be amazing, hallelujah.
*Thankfulness and gratefulness to the Most High always. I'm blessed to be blogging even though it may not seem like a lot to others, I'm happy. I'm fulfilled, I never experrid it.