2016 in Film
11:33Happy New Year!
Well guys, by the grace of God, I did it. I really went to the cinema at least once month for a year. It was tough, it was perilous, it was an attack on my pocket, but I'm here. The first 6 months worth of films were semi reviewed here. Let's take a look back at my 2016 in film:
January - Room
This was the most emotional film I saw last year. I didn't know how much it affected me until I re-told the story to someone else and in my usual dramatic fashion, found it quite hard to get through. I found the film to be claustrophobic and I wanted it to end quickly because I could tell it would upset me but all in all, it was a fantastic film, carried by the revelation that is Jacob Tremblay who played Jack.
February - Deadpool
This film was good, entertaining but aside from breaking the fourth wall, was nothing special. It was very by-the-books and formulaic and it did not live up to the hype, in my opinion but it was nonetheless a good pastime.
March - The Hateful Eight, Zootropolis
TH8: My original thoughts on this film still stands, I can't really deck it except for the run time. I literally bought the DVD last week.
Z: My favourite animation of the year, it so cleverly puts across topics such as race and social justice in a way that children can understand. Plus, I think that Judy is a great female Disney character for kids to admire and look up to, as she's all about following her dream no matter the odds.
April - Captain America: Civil War
My favourite action movie of 2016: funny, visually lit, touching and also low-key makes you question your morals ? Would definitely watch again, in fact I'm excited to.
May - X-Men: Apocalypse
Not only the worst action/comic-book adaptation I saw, but also just simply the worst. For shame, I should have never bothered.
June - Independence Day: Resurgence
Looking back, this film was bad lol, at the time it made for okay, borderline good viewing. I don't regret watching it but I don't plan on ever seeing it again.
July - Star Trek Beyond
My favourite sci-fi movie of the year; I actually started writing a blog post on this way back when, but it didn't flow so I scrapped it. Anyway, I found the film to be visually great and funny, with a solid cast and lovely tributes to Leonard Nimoy and Anton Yelchin.
August - Suicide Squad, Finding Dory, War Dogs
The big month when I saw three cinema releases (?!)

FD: I was never the biggest fan of the original so I wasn't super excited to see it but it made for an okay viewing. I found most of it to be quite boring but I'd be a flipping cheat if I didn't tell you that I was near tears at the film's climax.
WD: I enjoyed this film! I feel like I had to add the exclamation point because August seems a bit negative. Jonah Hill's characterisation of Efraim Diveroli (the film is based on real life) is the best part about the film, a guy who, to put it nicely, is beyond unlikeable. War Dogs isn't perfect but it's funny and gets the job done.
September - Blair Witch
This viewing came courtesy of Channel 4, would ya believe it. To be honest, as it was a cool opportunity I went because I would never willingly go to the cinema to see a horror movie. They filmed our reactions and I was kind of shook because the film was damn scary in the moment (I broke the strap of my watch in fear) and I closed my eyes a lot. Yeah, I remember retching when I heard something along the lines of bones crunching or skin peeling, yuck. I was also interviewed but who knows if I was ever on TV lol because I couldn't find a working clip of the day. Anyway, once the film was finished, I could appreciate that the film didn't bring much to the table except for jump scares.
October - The Girl on the Train
Another film that I started writing about but I didn't feel that it deserved a whole post dedicated to it. Emily Blunt was a really good lead, I felt for her character Rachel even though I wanted to shake her but my main fault with this film is the casting. SPOILER ALERT As soon as I saw Justin Theroux, I knew he was the villain. I honestly don't think I've ever trusted that man, I think it's the eyebrows. So something that was supposed to be a big reveal was just meh.
Lovely film that was my last entry post here.
December - Passengers
This month was the biggest struggle of them all. I didn't want to see anything in the cinema at the time and by the time I knew it, 'twas December 30 (New Year's Eve was out of the question because I'd be busy all day), plus it was foggy, so I extra did not want to leave my house. I was low-key ready to call it a year but my family kept egging me on, saying I can't flop my goal in a whole December (paraphrasing) so I prayed child, I prayed bro. His answer was Passengers which I did not want to see due to my feelings towards Jennifer Lawrence ugh but I went and I enjoyed myself. Like so many films in 2016, it was not perfect, some may even call its plot unethical or immoral. I say damn problematic! I won't say because it's a bit of a spoiler but problematic. as. fliiipppppp.
Best Movie: Tough but it's going to have to Captain America: Civil War
Worst Movie: No brainer, X-Men: Apocalypse
There it is guys, my past year in film. It disciplined me and I really thank God for helping me to stick to a year long goal.
By the way, I'm 21 now guys!