12:09I hate spoilers.
As in, we will fight, I will burn your bridge.
Look, I just hate them.
But this is a safe space, here in this post, let's just chat without restraint about what's been going down in our favourite shows and/or movies.
This goes without saying, but SPOILER ALERT for the whole post lol.
Okay, so Jane the Virgin, a show that is as good as dead to me becAUSE THEY REALLY WENT AND KILLED MICHAEL CORDERO JR. I mean, they really took the saying 'you're taking the Michael' way too far. I was already kind of no longer watching JTV, there's something I can't explain about the show - I love it but I hardly watch it. I don't know, I feel like each episode is so full and emotionally taxing.
It sucks because I found out Michael died through Gina Rodriguez's Instagram, and when I went to watch that section of the episode, damn, I was floored. Gina's acting is stellar and the way I wanted to fly into the screen and wrap her in my arms. My Snapchat that night was just me loudly wailing and questioning why the writers played me like that. I called my parents to let them know - my dad was unsympathetic towards me and my mum was like 'oh noooo'.
Michael, you're always in our hearts.
I still have love for the show and will probably be back but I need to heal first. Shout out to Andrea Navedo who has favourited three of my tweets now, hehe.

I expected a plot twist because you know, M. Night Shyamalan and all but the full weight of it all was lost on me as I haven't seen Unbreakable, the film is references at the end.
My gosh, when Kevin's 24th personality emerged, I was retching so hard. I didn't actually expect him to be crawling on walls and be basically super-human for real?!

So by now, we all know that Wes is dead and we should also know who his murderer is.
First of all, what fresh hell was that?
The two hour season finale left me underwhelmed until the final 2 minutes where they revealed who was really behind the murder. I was shocked, I won't lie. I watched it with my girl Lama and we both slid down the bed in shookery and after the season was done, I just lay there pissed.
Wes is really dead you know, he didn't pop out and tell us he was in witness protection, he's just really dead. Cremated in fact. What a wow.
The next season doesn't return until September which is crazy because by God's grace, I'll literally be at the next stage of my life, working and that.
HTGAWM ya'll still have me as a viewer but where are you going from here?
Well that's it for now folks. I like being able to talk freely about films/TV and not worrying about spoiling it for someone else so I hope you enjoyed this, God bless.
To keep up with me:
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Twitter: @TheGraceFilm
I'm currently digging:
Screen: The Oscars, Arrival
Music: Stormzy - Gang Signs and Prayer
Blog: Ore's Review Blog